Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Merry Christmas!

1. Our father who art in Heaven.
We acknowledge you.
You have been speaking to us.
and we will hear you fervently.

Chorus We were a lost people
Our Jesus in his goodness
He has deep pity and mercy on us
Think on this and see

2. All you who are lost
and broken very badly in every way
Let us enter in humbly
He has mercy for us

Chorus We were a lost people
Our Jesus in his goodness
He has deep pity and mercy on us
Think on this and see

3.Even in our pitifulness, he has mercy and grace for us..
We will live eternally.
We were without Jesus for so long.
Let us all always give him praise.

Chorus We were a lost people
Our Jesus in his goodness
He has deep pity and mercy on us
Think on this and see