Wednesday, August 27, 2014

In depth discussion on Mississippi Territorial Militia in the Creek War; Tom and David's 1812 service records

   The following link includes excellent information on the actions of the Militia groups including Nixon's Regiment in Perdido, fighting the Creek warriors one on one in the great swamp. David Keen is noted with Captain Roberts in Perkin's battalion in 1814 (Perkins' was from the Northern Alabama region, which was part of Mississippi territory as well, it was positioned between the Elk River i.e. the 'Intruders' where Joseph Keen had lived per Elk River petition in 1809, and the Tensaw-Tombigbee area; but since Zecharrah and Bushpo as well as Joseph and Josiah, had been all over the entire region this may or may not be the same David as on the previously noted petition in Amite county - 1812; but Bushpo and Zecharrah had been to Fort Mims and back, as well as in the other areas as noted above with Joseph and Josiah, etc. We also see David on a petition with Josiah in 1815, so this is likely either the same David or a very close relative), and Thomas Keen is noted with Lt. Colonel Nielson's Amite County Detachment as one of Captain David T.W. Cook's 'Volunteer Riflemen'. Any which way you want to examine it, the Keen family was actively engaged in the early Mississippi Territory, and also within the Choctaw nation, as we shall demonstrate in the near future.

David Keen's 1812 service record:

Thomas Keen's 1812 service record:

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