excerpted from The Creek War of 1813 and 1814 by Halbert and Ball
published in 1895
leaving the Chickasaw nation, as a tradition runs, Tecumseh crossed
the Oktibbeha Creek, the Choctaw and Chickasaw boundary, some three
miles southwest of the present site of West Point, Mississippi, near
Dick's old ferry, and there taking the Six Towns' trail, which led
southerly, he camped, his first night in the Choctaw nation, in a
grove on a hill, in the southwestern part of Lowndes County, about
two miles from the Noxubee County line and about two hundred yards
from that of Oktibbeha. This place is now occupied by the residence
of the late Allen Brooks. The next morning, Tecumseh continued his
southward march in the Six Towns' trail, which crossed Noxubee Kiver,
about six hundred yards above Bugg's ferry, and about seven miles
beyond, he arrived at the residence of Mingo Moshulitubbee, the
present Mashulaville, in Noxubee County.
remained at Moshulitubbee's house for several days, and a number of
Choctaw mingoes and warriors came to see him. It seems that no
regular council was held here, and Tecumseh made known the object of
his visit, but it was received with no favor by the Choctaws present.
Tecumseh and his Shawnees then went to the village of a noted
warrior, named Hoentubbee, Moshulitubbee sending a warrior with him
as a guide.
village of Hoentubbee was situated near the present residence of
Elias Round tree, in the northwestern part of Kemper County, some six
hundred yards north of Ben Dick Creek and about two miles from the
Neshoba County line. Hoentubbee, in after years, in speaking of
Tecumseh and his warriors, stated that all were armed, dressed, and
painted alike. Their arms were rifles, with tomahawks and scalping
knives in their belts. Their dress was a buckskin hunting shirt, a
cloth flap, with buckskin leggins and moccasins profusely fringed and
beaded. All wore garters below the knees. Their hair was plaited in a
long cue of three plaits hanging down between the shoulders, while
each temple was closely shaven. The heads of all, except Tecumseh,
were adorned with plumes of hawk and eagle feathers. Tecumseh wore,
depending from the crown of his head, two long crane feathers, one
white, the other dyed a brilliant red. According to Indian symbolism,
the white feather was an emblem of peace, — peace among the various
Indian tribes. The red feather was a war emblem, — war to their
enemies, the Americans. They wore silver bands on each arm, one
around the wrist, one above and one below the elbow, and a few wore
silver gorgets suspended from their necks. Around the forehead of
each, encircling the head, was a red flannel band about three inches
wide, and over this a silver band. Semi-circular streaks of red
war-paint were drawn under each eye, extending outward on the cheek
bone. A small red spot was painted on each temple, and a large round
red spot on the centre of the breast.
remained a number of days at the village of Hoentubbee, and at his
request, many of the noted Choctaws came there to meet him in council
and listen to his talk. Among those present, were Pushmataha and
Moshulitubbee, mingoes, respectively, of the southeastern and
northeastern districts.
Shawnees first danced their national dance, and after this the
council convened near Hoentubbee's house. Tecumseh arose and through
Seekaboo made a long talk. He spoke much of the" bad conduct of
the white people, how they were seizing the Indians' lands and
reducing them to poverty, and he urged the Choctaws to join him in a
general war against the oppressors. He urged, too, upon the Choctaws
the duty of living at peace with the other Indian tribes ; and that
all the tribes ought to quit their inter-tribal wars and unite in a
general confederacy; that by this means they could keep their lands
and preserve their nationalities. Tecumseh also spoke of the
impending war with Great Britain, and that the Choctaws must unite
with the other tribes and all declare themselves allies of Great
Britain. If we are to credit one of our Choctaw informants, Tecumseh
also, in this talk, as well as in subsequent talks, spoke very
earnestly against the Indian custom of killing women and children in
war. This custom they should renounce, and henceforth, in all wars,
the lives of women and children should be spared.
are some of the traditions of Tecumseh's talk, and among these, his
reprobation of a barbarous war custom of his race is creditable to
his humanity. Some of this talk was, by no means, displeasing to the
Choctaws. They approved of the idea of the different tribes
renouncing their intertribal wars and living at peace with each
other. And they by no means objected to his advice that all Indians
should renounce the custom of killing women and children in war ; but
they were suspicious and wary of his proposal to declare themselves
allies of Great Britain. Their relations with the Americans had ever
been harmonious, and they disliked any proposal that would sever
those ties of peace.
replied to Tecumseh, and in his talk told his people not to think of
going to war; that the Choctaws had never shed the blood of white
men in war ;* that they had ever been at peace with them and must
continue so ; that there was no cause of war with the white people,
and that a war with them would end in the ruin of their nation ; that
the white people were the friends of the Choc taws, and they must not
make enemies of them by taking the talk of Tecumseh.
It is true that the Choctaws fought against the Spaniards at Mauvila
and Cabusto. But it must not be supposed that Pushmataha knew
anything about these, to him, prehistoric matters.
council dissolved and Tecumseh's talk was all in vain. Not one
Choctaw was disposed to take his talk. During his stay at this
village, which was several days, Tecumseh seems to have conceived a
warm regard for Hoentubbee. Before his departure, he presented the
latter a silver ornament or gorget, which Hoentubbee kept for a long
time until it was destroyed by the burning of his house many years
afterwards. An aged son of Hoentubbee, still living, states that
Tecumseh also gave his father a written or printed paper or
parchment, to which a red seal or stamp was affixed. The nature of
this document must be left entirely to conjecture. As Tecumseh was
connected with the British authorities, could this have been a paper
authorizing the holder, in case he should join the hostiles, to draw
military supplies from the Spaniards at Pensacola ?
and his warriors, after leaving Hoentubbee's village, next went to
Tazoo, situated in Neshoba County, about eleven miles south of east
of Philadelphia, now known as Tazoo Old Town.
mingo of this place was named Tanampo Eshubbee. The Shawnees remained
here three of four days, in which they danced their national dance,
and another council was held and another talk was made by Tecumseh
with reply by Pushmataha, — both of the same nature and with the
same result as at the village of Hoentubbee.
and his warriors then went to Mokalusha. This was one of the most
noted and populous towns of the Choctaws. It was situated upon a
plateau on the headwaters of Talasha Creek, about twelve miles
southeast of Philadelphia. The houses of the town, with the small
fields interspersed, covered an area three miles long, north and
south, and a mile and a half wide, east and west. During the farming
season, the boys of the town kept the horses and cattle herded out on
the range beyond the suburbs, to prevent their depredating on the
crops, which were mostly cultivated by the women, while the men
generally spent their time in hunting. Such was the division of labor
in Mokalusha. Mokalusha is a corruption of Imoklasha, which signifies
"Their people are there." About 1824, this ancient town
was, in a great measure abandoned on account of the ravages of the
small pox.
Shawnees remained about a week at Mokalusha, and the same Choctaw
mingoes came hither who had attended the former councils. After the
Shawnees had danced their national dance, a council convened on a
hill situated about the centre of the eastern edge of the town. This
hill is now occupied by the residence of the late Colonel James
Wilson. Tecumseh here through Seekaboo made his talk, to which
Pushmataha again replied. The Shawnee chief a third time failed to
make any impression on the Choctaws.
this council, the Shawnees, travelling down the east side of Talasha
Creek, went to Chunky Town, which was situated on the west side of
Chunky Creek, half a mile below the confluence of Talasha and Chunky
creeks, and about five miles above Hickory Station. It is stated that
Pushmataha and the other mingoes, from some cause, did not follow
Tecumseh to Chunky. In Tecumseh's day, and down to the treaty of
Dancing Rabbit, in 1830, the long peninsular strip of country, into
which Tecumseh entered after leaving Mokalusha, and which lies
between Talasha and Tallihatta creeks and thence continuing southward
to the confluence of Tallihatta and Chunky creeks, was under the
jurisdiction of a mingo named Iskifa Chito, Big Axe. His residence
was on the west bank of Tallihatta, near which spot is now Day's
mill. This peninsula is still known by the old Choctaws as Iskifa
Chito in Yakni, Big Axe's Country.
Juzan, a noted French Indian countryman, at this time was living at
Chunky Town. He had settled among the Choctaws in early life, and had
married a Choctaw woman, a niece of Pushmataha, and raised an Indian
family. He spoke English, French, and Choctaw with equal fluency.
Juzan had several trading houses among the Choctaws, one being at
Coosha Town, situated three or four miles southeast of old Daleville,
on the right bank of Issuba in Kannia bok (Lost Horse Creek), and
another at Chunky. His dwelling house at Chunky was on the west side
of the creek and about two hundred yards from it. He had here an
apple orchard, — a rare thing in an Indian country — the trees or
scions for which he had brought from France. He also had another
residence at Coosha. Juzan died about 1840, at Tuscahoma, on the
Tombigbee. Some time after his death, his family, with the exception
of a daughter, emigrated west.
the day of their arrival at Chunky, Tecumseh and Seekaboo called upon
Juzan and had a long interview with him, in the course of which they
endeavored to persuade him to use his influence with the Choctaws to
induce them to join the Indian Confederacy. Juzan became greatly
indignant and spurned the Shawnees' proposition. He turned away and
would hold no further conversation with them. It so happened that
same day that Oklahoma, a noted mingo from Coosha, a nephew of
Pushmataha and brother of Juzan's wife, was in Chunky with a number
of his warriors. He was soon informed by Juzan of the object of
Tecumseh's visit, whereupon he became greatly enraged and forthwith
ordered his warriors to mould bullets and prepare to make battle
against the Shawnees. He also sent a messenger to Iskifa Chito, to
inform him of the situation and to urge him to prepare for war
against the Shawnee intruders. Tecumseh, whose object was to
harmonize all Indians, saw the drift of affairs, and wishing to avoid
any hostile collision, he summoned his warriors and quietly withdrew
from the place.
Choctaw traditions here vary. According to one tradition, Tecumseh
with all his warriors then returned to Moshulitubbee's. But according
to another, the Shawnees after withdrawing from Chunky, divided into
two parties, one party, under Tecumseh, returning to Moshulitubbee's,
whilst the other party, under Seekaboo, went down south into the
present Jasper County among the Six Towns Indians, who were
considered the fiercest and most warlike of all the Choctaws. Here
some talks were made.
making a detour to the northeast, Seekaboo's party went to Ooosha.
Whether at this place they again encountered the hostility of
Oklahoma, we have no information. From Coosha, Seekabo went to
Yahnubbee Town, situated on Tahnubbee Creek, eight miles south west
of DeKalb. The present DeKalb and Decatur road traverses the site of
the old town. Making but a short stay at Tahnubbee, Seekaboo thence
returned to Moshulitubbee's, where the two Shawnee parties again
some way that cannot now be ascertained, it seems that by mutual
agreement, there was to be a final council of the Choctaws with
Tecumseh, and another residence of Moshulitubbee, situated in Noxubee
County, about five miles northeast of Brooksville, was selected as
the council ground.
going to this council, Tecumseh with his warriors travelled back the
same route that he came until he crossed Noxubee River. There he left
the Six Towns trail and took another, which led northeast and
terminated at this second home of Moshulitubbee. Here the Shawnees
remained full two weeks, and all the great mingoes and principal men
of the Choctaws came hither to hear the talk of the great Tecumseh.
Of these, tradition has preserved the names of Pushmataha,
Moshulitubbee, Puckshenubbee, Mingo of the western district,
Hoentubbee, David Folsom, and John Pitchlyn.
few words as to this locality, which is now embraced in the Chester
plantation of the late Colonel Thomas G. Blewett. The house of
Moshulitubbee stood upon the crest of a hill, about a quarter of a
mile westerly of the dwelling house of the plantation. About one
hundred and twenty-five yards west of the dwelling house, stood a
large red oak, with broad spreading leafy branches. Under this tree
the council took place. It was the intention of Colonel Blewett to
have this tree preserved on account of its historic associations. But
in 1855, without the Colonel's knowledge, and to his great regret,
the overseer had it destroyed.
the appointed time came and the Shawnees had finished their dance,
the council convened under the oak, and Tecumseh, through Seekaboo,
made his talk. From the best information now attainable, the ideas of
Tecumseh's talk at this council were much the same as in the harangue
at Hoentubbee's; in fact, his harangues everywhere among the Choctaws
were substantially the same. As a patriot, though it may be, a
misguided one, Tecumseh saw the necessity of the tribes uniting in a
confederation, so as to preserve their lands and their nationalities.
To effect this purpose, he urged that it was necessary for them,
under the circumstances, to take the side of the British in the
inevitable conflict. A born savage, though he was, the great Shawnee
had an innate humanity that caused him to reprobate all unnecessary
barbarity in war, and in every council, he told his wild Indian
fellow countrymen to renounce the custom of slaying women and
children in war. The expression in Tecumseh's speech at Tuckabatchee,
recorded in Claiborne's Sam Dale — "Slay their women and
children" — is an error, a mistake. At no period in life, in
none of his war speeches, did Tecumseh ever give vent to such a
was Tecumseh's last talk to the Choctaws.
next day, Pushmataha made his reply. He spoke of the long existing
friendship of the white people and the Ohoctaws, between whom no wars
had ever occurred, and the Choctaws could truly say that they had
never shed the blood of white men in war. There was no war, or cause
of war with white people, and the Choctaws must not be led into any
war by Tecumseh. In closing his speech he turned to the mingoes
present and said that if any Choctaw warrior should take the talk of
Tecumseh and join the hostiles, and should he not be killed in
battle, he must be put to death on his return home.
other mingoes also made talks after Pushmataha, and all concurred in
his opinion that if any warrior should take the talk of Tecumseh, he
must be put to death. All the mingoes seemed willing to follow the
lead of Pushmataha, who from the very beginning, had taken a stand
against Tecumseh. John Pitchlyn and David Folsom also used an active
influence against the Shawnees. The statement in Claiborne's
Mississippi that some of the Choctaw mingoes were hostile or inclined
to take Tecumseh's talk is altogether erroneous. As to the hostility
of Hopaii Iskitini, Little Leader, it is sufficient to say that he
was a mere boy at that time, probably about twelve years of age.
all the speeches were made, the mingoes held a private conference in
regard to Tecumseh, after which they informed him of their decision,
which was that if he did not leave their country they would put him
to death. They also commissioned David Folsom to take a band of
warriors and see Tecumseh safe across the Tombigbee. It is not known
how soon after Tecumseh obeyed this injunction. But both parties,
Tecumseh and bis Shawnees, and Folsom with his Choctaws, all mounted
and equipped, in due time, marched towards the southeast and arrived
at the Tombigbee, near the present little village of Memphis, in
Pickens County, Alabama, where they camped. Hoentubbee was with
Folsom's party, and also two or three white men.
next morning all went to work to make rafts to cross the river. The
rafts were made by tying logs together with grape vines. The warriors
seated themselves on the rafts, and while some would paddle, others
would hold the horses by the bridle and make them swim in the rear.
By sunset, a part of the Shawnees had launched their rafts and
crossed over, Tecumseh among the number. Folsom remained with the
other party on the western bank.
ensuing .night, it happened that a large party of marauding Creek
warriors crossed the river below, came into Folsom's camp and stole
several Choctaw and Shawnee horses. They took them several miles
below, tied them in a swamp, then taking the back trail, they hid
themselves in the cane, about two miles below Folsom's camp. The next
morning, finding several of their horses missing, some of the
Choctaws and Shawnees, part mounted and part afoot, went in search of
them. They soon discovered the marauders' trail and were eagerly
following it up when they came near the Muscogee ambuscade. Here, all
at once, they received a galling fire from the wily foe, by which
some were killed and some wounded. The remainder returned the fire,
then fled, hotly pursued, back to the camp.
the retreat, a horse was shot in the shoulder. His rider, a Shawnee,
then leaped to the ground and continued his flight afoot. Without
further casualty, the party arrived at the camp. The Muscogees took
possession of a hill which stood to the south of the camp, and now
from hill-top to valley, the fight began to rage, the Choctaw and the
Shawnee pitted against the martial Muscogee. The camp on the other
side of the river heard the firing, and Tecumseh's warrior spirit was
aroused. All crossed over to the relief of the beleauguered camp, and
the fight raged with greater fury. The smoke of battle soon darkened
the field, enveloping the Muscogees on the hill and settling down on
the cane-brake which sheltered the Choctaws and the Shawnees. The
Creeks made several efforts to drive their enemies from their cover.
At onetime two daring warriors, making a flank movement, had even
penetrated to the Choctaws' rear, but were there discovered and
slain. All day, with rival bravery, the warriors of Tecumseh and
Folsom fought the common foe. About sunset, encouraged by Tecumseh,
an assault was made up the hill, the Muscogees were disloged and put
to flight, and the shouts of the victors resounded over the field.
Both sides had a considerable number killed and wounded, Folsom,
whilst standing behind a tree, in the act of shooting at a warrior in
his front, received a rifle ball through the right shoulder from
another hostile warrior, who had taken a position in front of the
Choctaw right flank. Hoentubbee also received a wound, though a
slight one, being struck by a spent ball. While fighting bravely
against the enemy, a rifle ball struck a large cane in his front and
glancing struck the warrior with considerable force on the breast.
For a moment supposing himself smitten with a mortal wound,
Hoentubbee cried out with a loud voice, "Sallishke I " "I
am dead I " But he soon realized that he was not so dead after
all. This little incident afforded much amusement to the Choctaw
warriors. The Creeks, according to their national custom, bore off
from the field all their wounded, and as many of their slain
warriors' as they could with safety to themselves. But they were
compelled to abandon a few, whom the Choctaws plundered and scalped
without compunction. The Shawnees took no part in this act, perhaps,
by the command of Tecumseh, since the fight was a necessity forced
upon them. The next morning, the victors buried their dead, then all
able to do so crossed the river, Folsom, notwithstanding his wound,
crossing over with his people. Folsom's mission was now accomplished.
He had seen the Shawnees across the Tombigbee, and they now
separated, the Shawnees continuing their course towards the domains
of the Muscogees and the Seminoles.
Choctaw warriors now resolved not to re-cross the Tombigbee until
they had retaliated upon the Muscogees for the loss of their horses
and the death of their warriors. Folsom returning to Moshulitubbee's
on account of his wound, the fierce braves selected another leader,
went over to the Black Warrior, and there wreaked their vengeance to
the full. They
burned a number of the houses of the Muscogees, slew their warriors,
and seized their horses.
a strange freak of fortune, they recovered, in a cane brake on the
Black Warrior, the very Choctaw and Shawnee horses that had been
captured on the Tombigbee. At last, enriched with booty and scalps,
they recrossed the Tombigbee in triumph, thence went to the house of
Mingo Achillitubbee, (in Neshoba County, half a mile northeast of the
Bogue Chitto bridge), where they underwent those ceremonies of
purification customary, in ancient times, among the Choctaws on their
return home from the war path.
above sketch of Tecumseh's visit to the Chickasaws and Choctaws has
been worked out from original and authentic sources. The greater part
of the information was received from Charley Hoentubbee,of Kemper
County, a son of the warrior, Hoentubbee. In 1880, the writer had
repeated conversations with Charley Hoentubbee, who related to him
all the facts that be had ever heard from his father in regard to
Tecumseh's visit to the Choctaws.
stated that he had often heard his father talk about this visit.
Hoentubbee, the warrior, died in Kemper County, in 1860. In 1885, the
writer also interviewed the aged Hemonubbee, of Neshoba County, in
regard to Tecumseh. Hemonubbee stated that he was a boy about twelve
years of age, when Tecumseh passed through the Choctaw Nation; that
his father, Fillamotubbee, attended several of the councils; and in
after years, he had often heard his father and other Choctaws
converse about Tecumseh's visit. Hemonubbee's statements were
substantially the same as Hoentubbee's, though not so much in detail.
Neither Hoentubbee nor Hemonubbee, however, was very familiar with
the incidents of Tecumseh's visit to Chunky. For these incidents, the
writer is indebted to the late Mr. James Cassels of Newton County and
Jack Amos, a Choctaw, of the same county. Both related the same
identical facts, Mr. Cassels receiving the information from Pierre
Juzan, and Amos, from Oklahoma. Amos is a nephew of Oklahoma and
grand nephew of Pushmataha, being a grandson of Nahotima, a sister of
Pushmataha. In 1877, Mr. G. W. Campbell, of Noxubee County, related
to the writer some facts about Tecumseh's visit, he receiving the
information, in early life, from Stonie Hadjo, one of Moshulitubbee's
captains, who died in Noxubee County, about 1838. Stonie Hadjo's
statements, as far as they went, agreed with those of Hoentubbee and
Hemonubbee. Mr. Campbell - and Hoentubbee, however, could not
recollect the name of Tecumseh's interpreter, Seekaboo, Mr.Campbell
simply remembering Stonie Hadjo's statement that he was a relative of
Tecumseh's mother. But Mr. Cassels, Jack Amos, and Hemonubbee
remembered the name distinctly, Amos stating besides that the
Choctaws were astonished at Seekaboo's familiarity with their
language. Hemonubbee gave the precise relationship of Seekaboo to
Tecumseh, which fact, Seekaboo must have related to the Choctaws.
Choctaws' informants all agree in stating that Tecumseh and his
warriors were mounted. From a short biographical sketch of David
Folsom, in the bibliography of the Muskhogean languages, the
inference might possibly be drawn that Folsom was too young to be a
man of affairs in Tecumseh's day. In reply to this possible
objection, the writer will state that he has been informed by an old
citizen of Mississippi, who knew David Folsom well, that Folsom had
grown children at the time of the treaty of Dancing Rabbit, in 1830.
This would surely make Folsom old enough to be a man of some
influence among the Choctaws in 1811, nineteen years before the
treaty. The writer besides closely questioned Charley Hoentubbee on
this special point, and he stoutly contended that David Folsom was
the man that conducted the Shawnees across the Tombigbee.
meager incident of Tecumseh's Chickasaw visit was received from the
late Mr. W. G. Harris, of Winston County. Mr. Harris stated that in
1833 he spent a night at the house of George Colbert, on Shookatonche
Creek, and that in their conversation Colbert related to him this
best documentary evidence has been followed in giving twenty as the
number of Tecumseh's warriors, but Hoentubbee's tradition makes them
much more numerous.
sifting and comparing all the information given by the above parties
in regard to Tecumseh's Southern visit, the writer is satisfied that
all the statements which he has recorded in the above chapter are
substantially correct.
topographical matter is the result of personal observations. H. S. H.
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